Did the moon kill the sun?

GENRE: Historic Fiction/ Fantasy

Tears are rolling down my cheeks; I have no idea where I’ll go. “What my fate is?” is something that I have left upon the stars.
I am in the forest, it isn’t forbidden but something eerie does linger here. I looked around myself, “Trees and trees and trees with bees and bees and bees” I mused.
I climbed up a tree, it had a thick and strong branch, “this will have to do!” I thought. I decided I would stay the night think about what to do the next morning.
The darkness engulfed me into a deep slumber slowly while the owl’s distant hooting was my lullaby.
I am Valeriana Stella Katherine Myranda. Yes that is a long name! I am named after my grandmother Katherine Zia Morgenstern; at least that was what her maiden name was before she was married to my father’s father, King Albert Sirius Myranda. Morgenstern refers to the Morning Star, it was her destiny.
You must be wondering what is related to my name and why I have four worded name then.
I have a gift, or I should say a curse somewhat similar to my grandmother’s. I have been blessed by the stars which determine my future, hence the name Stella. Only that my fate belongs to all the stars except the sun who rules over someone else, I don’t know who that person is neither do I have any wish to make acquaintances of such a person for it is said that the person will be my love and hate.
My parents were drowned to their death, so I never knew much about them. I have or used to have a friend Caleb, the stable-boy only a year or so elder to me until the day before, THE DOOMSDAY!
Yesterday my kingdom was attacked, I led my own home!
My grandma told me to run handing me a dagger and saying, “This is named Spes; it means ‘Hope’ in Latin. Never lose Hope, it’ll guide you ahead. It was your mother’s… Remember that Val!”
“But Grandma”
“No! Don’t interrupt me tonight. Your grandfather and I might die!”
“Don’t speak of death” I was almost sobbing, my voice was all broken and my heart shattered not to small pieces but yes it did develop cracks. The determination in her voice made me brace myself.
She said, “Behind the curtain is a tunnel which will lead you to through a labyrinth to the city of Pique.” There was a knock on the door. “Go! Go before someone comes.”
There was a bang and a crash the door had given away.
“Dear, Dear Katherine, aren’t you too old to continue?” no one ever called my grandma by her first name so I assumed it was someone she knew. I was in the tunnel listening to the conversation, eavesdropping as you might say.
“I told you give me your granddaughter and you can have the throne given to me with love, but No! You won’t listen to me! You won’t have it! You are too selfish, you want everything to yourself.” He had a haughty, smooth voice. “Now face the consequences!”
“I won’t give up without a fight!”
“Oh really?” said the voice. I did not like the man’s tone at all.
“Was not your husband but a puppet of yours? And the times you used to come to me at night. I made a mistake of thinking that you loved me!”
“What have you done to my husband?” screeched my grandma.
“Oh! I sent him to Heaven!”
“You will go to Hell!!!”
“Now will I?”There was not a sound that could be heard. A few moments passed, then I heard “Let us go Sire, I think she is dead!” it was different voice, and it was soft and calm.  Footsteps could be heard and then they faded into nothingness.
I came out of my hiding; there was blood all over the place. I knelt down next to the lifeless body of my guardian and mentor. I crossed her hands and muttered a prayer. Someone had already closed her eyes, I assumed it was the man with a calm voice the other sounded too harsh to be of any good and kindness did not seem to be his nature.
She was dead my life was a mess, but hopefully this wasn’t a dead end. “Hopeful how ironical!” thought I.
I heard footsteps; I did not have time to go back into hiding.
“Who are you?” a handsome boy of about 17 asked me.
But it was the same calm voice that took the haughty one away.
“I... I… …” I could not speak.
“Look, if you are some palace maid, I’ll let you go. But do leave the place before my father comes.
I turned away but before I did I noticed the locket that he wore. It was similar to mine but a sun in place of the cluster of stars that I had in mine.
I got into the tunnel and walked or what seemed to be hours before I reached Pique. I had to cover myself up, what if someone recognized me? I pulled my hood over my head and cloak close around my body. I walked through the street. I looked odd among the peasants; I was like the cat among the pigeons.
I noticed the crowd on the streets part. It was a bunch of men on horses with them I saw the calm man. I realized I had to get away from this place even Pique was not safe for me to stay. I weaved my way through the crowd and I did reach somewhere that is the forest.
I woke up to the sound of birds. I jumped down the tree and walked a bit stretching my limbs to their maximum extent wishing that the ache would go away.
I did not have the time to mourn my grandparents. I had to do something for my kingdom. ‘Duty before self’ had been what I had been taught since childhood. No! I would not shed tears. Not that I consider it to be a sign of weakness but I had to be strong. I was physically strong. I had been trained to fight with swords, knives and also hand to hand. But, daggers were my specialty. Archery was never my cup of tea, or I should say cup of coffee for I prefer coffee to tea. Mentally I donot know whether I am strong… this is a test and I have to come off with flying colors … I won’t can’t let my ancestors down.
I walked on to find a stream, I removed my cloak and washed my face, I was in my combat attire.
I had boots on with my pants but on top I had an armor. I guess my purple cloak had saved me. I had a small bag with a pair of peasant clothing. I had assumed that I would have to travel undercover. I quickly undressed, putting my satchel on a low lying branch of a tree. I washed myself in the stream.
I heard a soft neigh; I looked around to find a group of men approaching on horseback. I slowly disappeared under the stream. I knew I would be able to hold my breath for about 10 minutes.
They came and filled their bottles I know that for I heard them do so, and turned back, their horses neighing.
I had just bobbed my head up, when I felt one of the men notice me.
“Hey, Troy, what’s got you man!”
“You guys go ahead; I’ll come in a minute!”
“Sure! Come on boys; let’s leave Troy alone, after all we have a victory to celebrate.”
I did not move… I could not… I was too stunned to do so. It was the same man. He had blonde hair and blue eyes which had sadness lingering in his eyes. He bent down the stream. I suppose he heard me move, for he said, “You may come out. I mean no harm.”
“I would Sir, if you would give me a moment’s privacy!” I called out in reply.
“Sir, I was bathing in the stream before your friends and you arrived.”
“Uhh… I am sorry.  We were just stopping by!” he said turning back and moving away towards his horse.
My clothes were on the rock that was hidden from the view and the fresh ones were on the tree’s branch on the opposite side. I debated on what to do for he would see me if I would wade towards the tree!
I called out, “Kind Sir, would you please pass the satchel on the tree it seems to be nearer to you and I cannot reach it.”
“The satchel?” he enquired turning.
“Yes!” I replied.
“But how would i9 give it to you?”
“If you could lay it on the bank and walk away again, I would be grateful!”
He did as I said.
I thanked him.
I could see him; he averted his gaze as soon as he saw me behind a rock.
“I am sorry, I deeply apologize! I did not mean to intrude!” he was blushing deeply.
He turned and walked away. I got out of the stream and put on the peasant attire, “it’s simple enough.” I thought. But I had to put on my boots for I had no other footwear. I left my hair open to dry; it reached till below my knees.
I walked up to him and tapped him on his shoulder for he did not hear me come up or maybe he did and did not turn just for the sake of chivalry or impoliteness I don’t know.
He twisted his legs and then he was facing me. I bowed and said, “thank you kind Sir!”
“The pleasure was all mine to be of use to you.”
“May I have the liberty of enquiring as to why you are in the deep forest?”
I looked at him his eyes didn’t give away anything.
“I was sir and am still fascinated by the deep deep forest so I do come here once in a while.”
It was a lie… I hated everything in the forest what favored me was fire and water… no! Not even air was mine.
“I donot think you would be here without anyone and the look in your eyes says you are lying, beside you would not be wearing boots, if you really were a peasant girl” he said pointing to my footwear.
I sighed. “My grandparents were murdered Sir! They served the king. I was taught to stay with the princess. I was her maid in fact. So I always got her old clothes. I love the boots.” I said. I had carefully schooled my expression.
“Oh! I see! I bid you farewell for the day! Hope I would meet you someday again.”
I heaved a sigh of relief as he got on his horse. And just as he was about to ride away, I became bold and asked him, “Sir, who might you be?”
He turned and said, “Troy Savaan!” and rode away.
I was out of my head. My subconsiousness told me to dress back in my combat attire and I did!
I was walking and I reached the edge of the forest. I saw the men again along with them was their leader, the haughty man whom Troy had called his father. I recognized him to be Ian Savaan, the King of Prulesia. He was our enemy! My kingdom’s enemy! My enemy!
My blood boiled.
I heard Ian say, “Troy you will fight her, she is the princess for sure!”
He turned back and noticed me starring. Troy was caught off guard at my arrival. “Guards! Catch her don’t let her go!”
They caught me. I had no chance to run. I was sure that King Ian recognized me for I did resemble my mother Hope Francis. Except that my eyes were a golden brown… my father’s.
“I will not give up without a fight!”
“The famous words repeated a hundred times by the women of the Myranda family.” Snickered one of the king’s men.
King Ian held up his hand to silence them. “Oh really, let us see what you can do then!” said Ian “ Troy, the fight is yours.”
The guards let me. I was 15 years old. I did not, could not give up my life without a fight.
I had spes & dizala with me and Oh! I had my locket too, though I did not know how having a locket would help me fight!
Troy had a sword in his hand so I unsheathed dizala. The dagger was on my waist. We pointed the swords at each other. He did not want to fight, one could see it in his eyes. I looked at him, he looked at me and we both charged at each other at the same moment. I was good, he was better. If he was better, I had to be the best.
… … …“Clash”; … “Clash”; … “Bang”; … “Bang”…
He nipped off my ear lobe with his word while I cut a scratch on his thigh… a very deep one.
Ian called out, “Do me proud son, the Sun has you!”
It was dusk; both the sun and the stars were there. The sun setting letting the stars come out. I prayed to the stars, “Help me out oh heavenly bodies.”
We were back to square one. Circling each other… when he asked me, “do you want to fight?”
I tapped the ground to reply to him using Morse code. He lead the circle to grow bigger and then we both charged at each other, his sword butt hit mine and it fell to the ground…. But out came my dagger. I got his sword hand… his sword fell to the ground but like he had something … not a dagger but a collection of knives.
I ran towards the forest… his knives blocked me he ran towards me. What I did after that was something that surprised everyone. I put one of my legs in between his and made him trip. He lost his balance and fell down.
I ran a bit more towards the forest; he immediately got up and followed. He blocked me. Our lockets got entangled. We were only a breath away from each other. He looked into my eyes, I stared back. Within a second my dagger broke the lockets.
I caught him off guard. I put my dagger on him throat and said “Together!”
He used his left arm and caught hold of my waist from the back and turned me towards him and………
I plunged my dagger into his stomach while I felt a knife pierce mine…
I felt light, I was dead. That’s all I knew but I did not lose the fight… it was a draw. Both the parties were dead. King Ian would be rejoicing! He killed both of us!
Stella and Helios!
But what he didn’t know was that when the Stars and the Sun unite there would be what is known as the decline of the moons!


Signing off... Subhanjali Saraswati


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