Play based on 7ages by William Shakespeare

Scene1: A room in the house of Judge Kingsley.
Judge: Father is dying. He has only a few day before he waves goodbye to the earth.
Soldier (Lieutenant Brown) : yes we do have to go for his last wish was to see the whole family at-least once before he passes away.
Enter school boy (Peter) and lover (Lorenzo) they are both the son’s of Sir John Kingsley II.
Peter: Papa, why are thee so serious. My life is scared of thy own body.
Soldier: what is wrong with you stand and speak straight. I am not having a loose and lanky nephew speak to me as if he is but a 2 years old child with no sense of his own.
Lorenzo: he has been reading Shakespear Sire.
Peter: Oh… that was only from St. Lorenzo’s’ virgin ballad.
Lorenzo: oh yes that ballad
My love Jessica’s beauty
It is but my duty
To think but of her
And never make her heart a blur
But give her a rose
That would but stir
A bud on her bashful nose.
Peter (Mick-micking Lorenzo): oh Jessica! Aha Jessica! My love Jessica.
(Sticks out his tongue and runs out of the room)
Judge: oh you all have started off again. Can’t you all but once stop and do good for the world.
Soldier:  it is high time you get a job Lorenzo.
Lorenzo: Yes uncle… (thought fully)  Else…I’ll never be able to woo my Jessica…
Oh my Jessica (He sighs)
Soldier: stand straight when you are talking to me.. and pay attention to the situation around you.
Judge: your grandfather is on his deathbed… we’ll be leaving soon to visit him.
Soldier: and that too before the clock strikes 2.

Scene2:  the house where all the old people lived. Old sir Kingsley, his wife Maria and Maria’s brother, sir brown and sir brown’s daughter in law, the wife of lieutenant Brown Paige.
Maria: oh brother! Oh my brother Eddy!! How will I ever live without Paul!! How will i survive without my sire!!
He does nothing, has nothing, first he lost his teeth, then he became sans eyes and now he is sans everything….
Mr. Brown (Edmund):  Ahh …Don’t you cry Maria, we have to bid him farewell soon, and I have already asked john and our lieutenant to visit
Maria: oh yes! They would be arriving soon..
(Calls) Paige! Oh Paige.
(Enter Paige)
Paige: what is your wish Madam?
Maria:  we have people visiting for a few days.
Paige: who is visiting??
Edmund: aha our children and grandchildren will be visiting my dear..
Paige: is my sire coming to Father?
Edmund: yes … now that the war is over... He will surely be coming.
Maria: it is already a three quarters past 1… they will arrive by another half of an hour.
Scene 3: Another room in the house where a nurse is trying to quieten a crying baby:
Baby: ago goog googoo… a goo goo.. goo… go ..
Nurse:  aha baby don’t you cry…it’s all right … your mamma will be here soon.
(enter Paige)
Paige: Yes my dear I am her… Aha what have you done to the room. It’s impeccable.
…the Nurse moves around the room trying to clean it with the baby hanging to her dress..
Paige: Miss. Shirley.. please clean the room fast… My husband the lieutenant will be here soon.
Here let me help you.
(the baby climbs on to a cradle.)
Scene 5:the bed of old Mr. Kingsley…Mr. Brown, Maria.. and Paige and the baby in a cradle(a doll to b precise.. I  have some other roll to play…).
Mr. brown: oh no! I forgot my slippers by the hearth
(exeunt Mr. brown)
Schoolboy: (wildy runs into the room)
Ohoo grandfather…..( falls down on the bed with his hand on the chest of the old man)...and then gets up suddenly and runs wildly toward the baby… around the cradle.
Paige: now don’t you run about here and there you will hurt your cousin.
à(Paige... oh Paige... Paige my slippers… Where are they? )
Paige: oh dear father again forgot his slippers…Coming Father..
(Enter soldier, Judge, and lover-boy)
Soldier: (Bows) Dear sir.. I hope you are keeping well
Old Mr. Kingsley: Come my dear nephew.. sit by me.. myeyes can barely see and my tongue can hardly as fluently as dear lieutenant give me your so that I can try and feel your hand with what is left of my sense of touch.
…(the Soldier kneels next to the man on the bed.)
Judge: oh father you are very kind … and now that your time nears we all sit by you… and then we’ll see you shine bright like diamondsin the sky.
Lover: shine bright likeva diamond.. shine bright like diamond…
      …..lie diamonds in the sky…
Like the song by rihanna
Soldier: Lorenzo!(in an offended tone) Respect your grandfather.
Judge: Aha ..its ok… he is learning.. he is just an over grown school boy..let it rest my broher.
(enter mr. brown)
Mr. brown: Aha so you all have come…. You know … I can’t imagine how  my slippers ended up by the dustbin.
Peter( has a mischievous smile on his face)
Soldier: Aha don’t you worry I’ll look after the culprit!
(to peter)- Meet me tom the next morrow at 4.. before the sun rises.
(mr. brown looks around confused)
Judge: oh un cle don’t you worry.. you found your slippers.. that is all  what needs to be considered.
(to soldier): oh my dear brother .. let it rest for a while… we are here to visit my dear old father.. let us not be diverted from the task in hand and all the things that actually need to be considered at the present moment.
Old mr. kingsley: my dear dear .. children…
Everyone gathers around him…and kneels…
He openes his eveys and keeps on staring..
The judge closes the old mans eyes..
è We can see the seven ages of the mans life from the infant liying on the cradle.. then the mischievous schoolboy/… then the lover.. and soldier.. then the wise old judge.. and the confused old the first stage of oldness…and the old man who dies…was in his second stage of oldness or second childisahness..

The End


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