Once upon a time there lived five friends. One a prince, other a son of a businessman, the third was the son of a priest, the fourth one was the son of farmer the last of them was a son of a beggar. They were Deen, Gen, Ben, Xen and Tren respectively. One day they decided to go for a sail around the world. “We can even race.” said Deen. “We can make our own boats and ships.” added Gen. The prince made a magnificent ship out of gold. The son of the businessman also copied the prince. The son of the priest was actually very foolish and made it out of stones of his father’s temple. He had broken his father’s temple and obtained the stones. As, his father was away for a few days. The farmers son-an environment lover made the boat out of a waste plastic board. The beggar’s son was wise so he made it out of wood.
Then Deen announced that they will start the race at 15th of April. Time flew away quickly. Before a few days the all loaded their ships with goods. The prince loaded a huge room in his ship with his clothes, two extremely large rooms with food which seemed that it will last for a whole year. Gen’s, Ben’s, Xen’s, and Ben’s was also almost the same but Tren loaded is boat with a sack of clothes and a small packet of food. After seeing what Tren had done, to Gen it seemed that it would only last for a day but Tren assured him that it would till they reached the next coast.
 And on 15th they started their race. From India they went on through the Indian Ocean till they reached the African coast of Egypt. While they were crossing the Arabian Sea, Deen met a gang of robbers. Deen was helpless so he gave his ship with all its goods.
He found a piece of wood which he had clanged on two, as he could not swim. After a few hours he was wearied out and he met gen who refused to help, he said, “you had only said that if we have any problem we have to settle it ourselves’’ The helpless prince went on. After some time he met the beggar’s son, Tren. Tren helped the prince as he was kind hearted. He brought the prince to his small boat, put him in a fresh pair of his own clothes, though they were very old the prince accepted it thou he did not know that Tren had given him a dress that he had given to him in charity.
In Egypt they stayed for a few days to refill their groceries which they would need till they would land in the Portuguese coast of Lisbon. Then they went on they passed the Red sea which helped connect Asia to Europe by forming the Suez canals which connected it to the Mediterranean Sea. Then after a few days they reached Lisbon. They all straight headed for a bar near the coast .they all coincidentally went to the same bar. When they met each other they were shocked and hugged each other.
  Gen apologized to Deen for his bad behavior. And soon to
make up for it he invited him to his ship for the rest of the
race. Then they told each other that they all had come a long
way together, and so let it be a voyage. It was ages ago so
they used to think that the world was flat. Ben said, “let us
look for the end of the world.’’ They all decided to go
together for shopping together. They went off again in 12th
June. Almost 2 months had passed since they had left .








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