Poems part 2


You know what they say about forgiveness?
Now that you have been forgiven, can you turn around and forgive someone else?
or is it that you forgive with the hope to be forgiven
No one is the bigger person in this mess

Is this the beginning or the end?
I am not sure...
Someone once said that every ending is a new beginning
Is it the one to the same path or something different..
We'll never know unless we go ahead and explore it

But when we go ahead.. we are thrown with a bag full of choices
the ways to attack it
we got all the ways to wicked, evil, dangerous, make the way to our own benefit
and supposedly have fun
Lost in the way...
we lose our purpose our aim...
so much so that the ways are what we are left with
Just that
a senseless... way
easy to be defeated... cause u don't know ur aim
others find your supposed initial aim..
while u r aimless unimportant
susiptible to destruction

those who stood by u
tell u to stop but u can't
despair covers your path
thorns are what  covers it...
pricking you with every step you take
u get addicted to it so much so that you can't get over it
the pain is your drug
your escape..
it is pain that helps pain
and you fail to see that..
fail to realise it
until its too late
people discourage you to do that and yet you keep doing that cause that becomes your only solution
only way..
again a purpose lost.
a path formed an indestructible one...
all regrets and yet you can't go back..

we could have it all
rolling in the deep....
u had my heart and soul
and u paid it to the beat.

m beat yup
its my life
its my life
and yet you don't get it
u never will
any decision u r the determining factor
all those secret gettaways.. to those 
done illegally
are the ones that any other parent will their child to do..
u expct me to listen to you without any ideals of my own
u want me to be ur puppet like she was
like they were
but u see u destroyed them all
except the silent rebel
m the ;loud open rebel u fail to see
...even though m right in front of u
u think u can bend me
but u see u end up breaking them
i won't bend or break
cause thats who i am unbreakable unbendable like a wood
i am not malleable i ain't steel
m myself thats who i'll be

u think its funny how life changes..
u wonder if its sad how it turns
for some
pity them
they don't want you to.. but yet they want u to understand
know and accept
might be the hardest thing to do..
cause u seek advice need it..
or close it..
without understanding
not empathise
place yourself in the others shoes
how many times have we not heard that.





.oh non don't read this.
this is lame
i don't want yoyu to read it
the other side of me says that
its a secret...
i want you to read it badly
i need you to understand
i want you to knoe
yet i don't
cause its my story
no one else has a right to know it
hush it up don't tell a soul
next day:
uhh a another exception can be made.. i think so atleast
7 people
one crosses the line.. the lakshman rekha
dies.. or atleast is abducted..
but unlike sita..
she gives in

her life gone as a consequence of the choice she made
but our choices also affect each other and hence
it affected mine


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